Science Today


Sirirat Rengpipat [19th floor Mahavachirunnahit Building]


Course Description

Basic science in everyday life and how these knowledge has been integrated into innovation and industrial technology such as foods, agriculture, medicine, pharmaceuticals and forensics; and also the role of S&T products in improving or changing our ways of life as well as their desirable and undesirable impacts on our environment.

Learning Outcomes

Students must be able to

- Explain how the principle of basic science could be used in everyday life

- Describe the trends of changes from basic science into suitable technology for human needs

- Explain the pros and cons of science and technology against our everyday life

Course Contents

Week 1 Food and Health (3 hrs)

Week 2 Food Biotechnology (3 hrs)

Week 3 Food industry (3 hrs)

Week 4 Wastes management problems (3 hrs)

Learning and Teaching Methods

Lecture and Discussion, Assignment and Presentation

Learning Resources

Experience in Food aspects: Food Biotechnology, Food Safety and Food Microbiogy

Learning Evaluation

Letter grade from paper written examination, attendance and presentation